Good ad text is essential in determining if and how many users visit your landing page and how many leads you generate. What you should keep in mind when it comes to your Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising, and which aspects you should particularly consider in the B2B segment, can be found in these 6 tips.

Photo: Eugene Chystiakov/
6 tips for better SEA ad texts in B2B
1. Get the customer’s attention with the right keywords
The keywords for B2B do not have to speak to a wider audience of buyers – much more important is that they address the potential customer with industry-specific keywords on a level playing field. The main keyword should always appear in the blue, bold heading and pop up again in the descriptive text.
2. Highlight the benefits
Avoid using the maximum text length of the SEA ad to fill it with all the functions and features of your product or your service. Instead, focus on the concrete advantage for the customer. In other words, the solution to a certain problem, which she wants to find with her online search.
3. Prompt the interested person to act
Ad a short and eye-catching call to action in your ad text. With it, you are animating your potential customers to click on the digital ad. In B2B, a call to action such as “Download your FREE e-book now” or “Get your quote today” make sense when it comes to giving interested persons additional, sales-pushing hints.
Ad extras enlarge the ad optically and give you the chance to communicate more information to the customer with little effort.
4. Use the ad extras
Ad extras enlarge the ad optically and give you the chance to communicate more information to the customer with little effort. For instance, especially important in the B2B industry is providing your phone number. Site links and snippets, as well, which highlight the individual benefits of your offer, should be included in the SEA ad. Prices only make sense if you actually want to advertise with more affordable terms.
5. Remain serious
What can be advantageous in B2C ads is usually not highly sought after in the B2B segment: sensationalism, lots of uppercase letters, temporary discounts, and text which appeal to the reader’s emotions. These and similar elements don’t often achieve their goal with company customers. After all, in B2B, decisions are made almost completely rationally. Even if you pique the interest of a customer in this way – long-term relations are more likely to develop if your serious SEA text is written in the relevant specialist language. At the same time, the text should be understandable for all stakeholders.
6. Emphasise the B2B side of things
Regardless of whether how good you have written an ad text – there will always be undesirable users from the B2C segment who click on your ad. To keep the scatter loss as low as possible, and to avoid the budget being spent on an irrelevant target group, you should use phrases such as “for business customers” or “B2B only” to clearly communicate a B2B approach.
Conclusion: important nuances make the differences
All in all, SEA is not very different for B2B compared to B2C. But when it comes to writing text, there are many nuances to pay attention to. The keywords have to be adapted to the company’s customers, and the benefits of the product or service have to be in focus. What’s more, a serious tone of voice often promises more success than gimmicky formulations. Generally, you are well advised to publish up to three different ad texts and test the performance of each.