An all-encompassing brand relaunch should make the product or service on offer attractive for new target groups. In the B2B segment, too, such renewals have been executed many times – and you can find three examples of success below.

Realigning the brand through a relaunch
When it comes to a brand relaunch, also known as rebranding, we are talking about a rework and new positioning of a brand on the market. This usually affects the visual design of the brand’s logo and the entire brand world as well as the communication towards customers and the modernisation or improvement of the product or service.
Such a brand relaunch is a huge undertaking. From the idea to conceptualisation, from the right strategy to the execution, including comprehensive PR and advertising – the path is long and requires high personnel and financial support. At the same time, there is always the risk that the relaunch doesn’t achieve the desired effect. If the change you’ve planned for your brand doesn’t strike the right chord, the new target group you’re advertising to will not be reached, and your company may even lose customers in certain cases.
So, there should be good reasons for a brand relaunch. First and foremost, losses in sales are a good reason for such a new positioning. But image problems, company mergers or the tapping-in of new target groups or new (international) markets can all be reasons for a brand relaunch.
Many companies have taken on the challenge and have successfully repositioned their brand(s). In the B2B segment, this includes the following three examples of the most successful brand relaunches:

3 brands and their successful relaunches
1. MAN Truck & Bus
MAN Truck & Bus undertook a relaunch in 2016 with the aim to develop a strategic, product-centric brand that focuses more on the customer. Up to then, MAN was purely seen as a truck manufacturer. The company’s focus for the brand relaunch should therefore shift the company in the direction of being a provider of intelligent transport solutions.
In a long-term process, new brand guiding principles were developed. Under the banner “Simplifying Business”, the company wanted to emphasise just how hassle-free collaboration is with MAN and how their products and services simplify daily business. The highlight: the relaunch was first anchored internally before being transported to the public. MAN Truck & Bus was honoured as first-place winner with the Marken-Award 2019 in the category “Best Brand Relaunch”.
The company SCHWARTE PROCESSING is a specialist in the manufacturing of processing containers for liquid foodstuffs and sensitive substances. Due to a company merger and a new umbrella brand launched in 2015, a uniform brand appearance needed to be developed. Which is why the company undertook a comprehensive brand relaunch. The corporate design was changed, new brochures and sell sheets were created, and the website was redesigned. Afterwards, SCHWARTE announced the relaunch with a trade show concept, in interaction with product innovations. The relaunch had a positive effect on customer loyalty and on the company’s search engine ranking.
RIEGLER & Co. KG from Bad Urach, Germany, is active in the area of air compression and pneumatics. This area is dominated by rational thoughts, a tough price battle and strong competition. Communication from the various providers was, according to Managing Director Philipp Wacker, swappable. The company wanted to create a differentiation for itself in this environment. RIEGLER therefore repositioned the brand and put the idea of service on centre stage. The company now appears as a solution-finder for its customers and places this positioning above purely rational services like fast delivery or a high level of product diversity.
On a communications level, the decision-makers chose an emotional tone of voice and described the company as a “doer”. The brand image was given a fresher and more modern design. First and foremost, the new positioning was a strategic measure for ensuring the future viability of the brand. A measureable increase in the ROI was noticed, according to the management level; however, it is still too early to draw any final conclusions.