With a company profile on “wer liefert was” (wlw), you can reach a potential 1.3 million buyers who are listed on the platform. Thanks to a professional profile, they know at a glance what your company offers. How you can profit from this B2B platform in concrete terms is explained here.

wlw: the B2B platform for sellers and buyers
Up to 3.6 million buyers who send in more than 230,000 search requests every day – these are the figures from wlw ("Wer liefert was") and EUROPAGES in 2022, the leading B2B platforms in the DACH region and Europe. The roughly 3 milion small and medium-sized companies in the DACH region and Europe profit from this huge interest via their company profile on wlw and EUROPAGES, where they are able to present their products and services from the B2B area to a high number of interested persons. The best thing about this: wlw is not only free of charge for buyers, the standard profile is also free for sellers. The professional model offers a host of additional advantages.
Your benefits of having a company profile on wlw
Your concrete advantages of a professional company profile with wlw at a glance:
- For every industry: with a wlw company profile, you communicate directly with the target group of industry-based buyers – without any scatter loss.
- Your professional appearance is optimised for search engines so that reach and visibility on the Internet are greater.
- Buyers researching on search engines like Google are also frequently led to wlw, as the platform normally ranks amongst the first three search results across roughly one million search terms.
- wlw is the official partner in the 2021/2022 season of several football clubs in the premiere and second divisions, which enjoy a huge fan base. Thanks to the pitch ads displayed at the games, the awareness and brand visibility of the platform is boosted further.
- Through the networking service wlw connect, buyers who had not known your company at all to date are now made aware of you.
- You profit from extensive analysis functions such as a visibility comparison with competitors, statistics about the customer contacts generated, the number of profile views and much more. Detailed analyses for the sales team can be immediately downloaded.

How a company profile is set up
In the middle, at the top of your company profile, is where your logo is located, along with all your contact data, so that the interested sales person can instantly see where they are. A short description of your company as well as information about its size, delivery region and any certificates lead the visitor through the start of your profile. At the heart of it is the overview of offers together with select products or services. Your location and additional company information round out your company profile.
Have we piqued your interest? Use this link to go directly to the registration page.
References: what our customers are saying
Many B2B companies from the DACH region have been listed with wlw for many years, as the platform has become an indispensable and consistent pillar for their marketing and sales. These examples show how various companies profit concretely from wlw:
- BIEGLO GmbH from the high-performance plastics segment has had a professional company profile on wlw since 2015 and has recorded a strongly growing number of requests ever since. Buyers who are made aware of the company via wlw apparently show interest over a longer period of time, which means BIEGLO can generate many leads.
- Baving Verpackungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG profited from the consultancy talks with wlw experts about the chances for success of their measures. After just a few days of booking a company profile, the first requests came in – and these became actual orders. Their visibility on the Internet was improved further, while the click-through-rate could be bumped up from just 1 per cent to nearly 9.5 per cent.
- Switzerland-based SILAC AG from the area of plastics handling and tools construction has been listed with wlw since 2007. First and foremost, the company profits from Google Ads from the portfolio of Visable online marketing services. Many buyers apparently get started searching via Google and then come across SILAC AG through their wlw company profile.
Are you interested in a company profile on wlw or do you first simply want to benefit from consultancy about which concrete opportunities are open to your company? Then contact us via our contact form.