To reinforce important B2B customer relationships, individualised promotional items have become established as an effective marketing tool. They are cost-efficient and have a long-term advertising affect. Find a few examples here.

Significance of business relations in B2B
In the area of B2B, business relations have a completely different value compared to B2C. On the one hand, the circle of potential customers is often smaller and much more difficult to switch out; on the other hand, customers would like to be informed in more detail and more extensively about products or services. This is why B2B marketing is normally more time-consuming and requires more thought. Once a business relationship has been successfully cultivated, it often remains in place for several months or even years.
To reinforce these relationships, individualised promotional items have been established as an effective marketing tool in B2B. They can transport the corporate identity of the advertising company over the long run. And more: thanks to the use of these items in public, customers even voluntarily take on the job of a brand ambassador.

Survey: giveaways are cost-efficient and effective
The fact that giveaways are one of the most cost-effective and impactful means of advertising compared to other forms of advertising is proven by a 2019 giveaway impact survey, conducted on behalf of the Gesamtverbands der Werbeartikel-Wirtschaft (GWW – German promotional products association). The survey’s most significant findings:
- Low scatter loss: 90 per cent of those given gifts regularly use the promotional item. This frequent contact leads to high awareness of the advertising company.
- Long-term advertising effect: 62 per cent of those given gifts use the promotional item for longer than one year. The advertising message is therefore communicated with every use over a longer period of time.
- High recommendation rate: 78 per cent of the recipients of promotional items are happy to recommend the company. The items therefore foster trust in the advertising company and increase its likeability.
- High ad memory: 70 per cent of the recipients of advertising giveaways remember the name of the advertising company. The memory rate for advertising messages on the radio, TV or magazines is just 30 per cent according to the survey.
What’s more, the results of the survey show that the quality of the advertising giveaway influences the image of the company. So, it seems as if it pays off to rely on high-quality and useful promotional items.
Giveaways should offer added value – here are 3 examples
Nearly every customer has lanyards and pens in abundance. A giveaway should grab attention and this only happens when it offers the customer added value. In the B2B segment, the following promotional items are trending:
Electronic advertising articles: While storage media such as USB sticks are hardly worth talking about today, mobile charging devices continue to be very popular. In times of ongoing use of mobile end devices, their batteries tend to be quickly out of juice – modern powerbanks charge these up in the now standard quick charging mode. Advertising messages can be communicated well here on a relatively large space. Wireless headphones and speakers are even higher on the list and signal to the business customer your company’s modern image and digital savviness.
Sustainable advertising articles: Sustainable advertising items highlight the company’s ecological consciousness and responsibility. Products made of recycled material or featuring an organic quality stamp are not yet an everyday advertising gift and ensure for even more awareness. Ideally, the advertising company supports a green image.
Decorative objects: More and more companies are relying on a well-being factor in their offices and are decorating their relaxation rooms, lounges, play corners or open kitchen. When placed in this environment, the promotional item can be noticed with a certain extra touch in a relaxed atmosphere – in other words, in positive moments. For instance, this can be a gumball machine for the kitchen that features the company logo, bean bags with the corporate design for the lounge, or mini table tennis sets for the common room.
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