Visable's CSR activities

Visable donates 5,000 EUR to the French association UNAPEI!
On 6 December 2023, Visable donated 5,000 euros to the UNAPEI association, that supports the emancipation of people with neurological and mental disabilities.
At Visable, we believe in equal opportunities and inclusion. The Paris-based organisation UNAPEI does the same and is now the biggest player in the field of employment for people with disabilities in France. With its 900,000 members, the association does a great job by supporting more than 60,000 people with disabilities every year on their way into working life, enabling them to develop their skills and realise their professional potential.
With our donation we support the Unapei & Entreprises network in particular, which create and develop solutions to enable people with disabilities to gain access to employment and acquire greater independence. In this way, we are helping to break down the barriers that often prevent people with disabilities from participating fully in social and civic life.
At Visable, we are proud to contribute to this initiative that enables everyone to realise their full potential, because we are convinced that the right to develop one's talents and grow professionally is a fundamental right for all people.

Visable donates 10,000 euros to Kids & Welcome
As in previous years, we supported a non-profit organisation with a donation of 10,000 euros. This year, the donation went to the Hamburg-based organisation Kids & Welcome e.V.
Founded in 2015 as a volunteer initiative, Kids & Welcome e.V. is now an association committed to assisting refugee children from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Eritrea, and Somalia. With their tailored programs catering to children with disabilities and trauma as well as the provision of appropriate toys, they are making a meaningful impact.
We were thrilled to present with Peter F. Schmid – CEO at Visable – the donation cheque to Kids & Welcome e.V.
With our donation, we want to financially support not only the Christmas gift campaign but also their programmes for refugee children with disabilities. Children with disabilities have special needs and require special equipment. We greatly appreciate the efforts of Kids & Welcome in this area, which is why we want to support them in this new project as well.
Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for children in need!

Social Day with Kids & Welcome
On 17 November, we at Visable had an exciting and incredible Social Day at the Kids Welcome e.V.!
Kids Welcome e.V. has been working relentlessly since 2015 to assist refugee children from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Eritrea, and Somalia. Every year, they conduct a Christmas gift initiative and offer creative, sports, and group activities specifically tailored to children with disabilities and trauma.
This time, we joined forces with dedicated volunteers and helped them pack Christmas gifts for 3,000 children in Hamburg’s refugee shelters, child protection facilities, and women's shelters.
Besides our annual donation of 10,000 euros, it was awesome that we at Visable could support this worthy cause with our active participation and spread joy this festive season!

City Pact #HamburgKyiv: First project to promote economic ties starts with Visable GmbH Hamburg
We at Visable, operator of Europe’s leading B2B platforms europages and wlw, support the initiative of Hamburg and Kyiv Chambers of Commerce and Industry as part of the “Cities Pact for Solidarity and the Future”. Therefore, we provide 30 Ukrainian companies with free advertising packages to increase their online visibility, worth more than 100,000 euros. In this way, we are helping both chambers to promote economic relations between companies in both cities.
“Just as 75 years ago, the Marshall Plan helped Germany and Europe get back on their feet economically, Ukraine now needs a strong act of solidarity. Today, many Ukrainian businesses have their backs to the wall, guiltless because of the war. And this time, it is we who can help. By supporting businesses, we secure jobs in Kyiv.” Says Peter F. Schmid, CEO of Visable

Visable supports “Solidarités Nouvelles face au Chômage” in Paris
As part of our CSR activities, we support a non-profit organisation with a donation each year. In addition to our financial support of German organisation Hanseatic Help by donating 10,000 Euros, we also made a donation to an organisation in France.
On December 16th 2022, our Managing Director in Paris, Sandra Yönter, presented the cheque to the association Solidarités Nouvelles face au Chômage. The 5,000 Euro donation will create and fund solidarity jobs to help 15 job seekers find their way back to work.
Created in 1985, the organisation runs several projects to enable people that are often forgotten in the employment market to find a suitable job and to rebuild their social relationships.
As the mission of the organisation is completely aligned with our vision as a European B2B provider and our values, we want to support job seekers in order to prevent them from entering a spiral of depreciation and isolation and to encourage their return to employment. We are convinced that the organisation will make an important impact to support people in need.

Annual donation: Visable supports Hanseatic Help
Instead of extravagant christmas gifts, we decided to support social projects once again. Our focus is on initiatives that particularly care for people in emergency situations, as it is part of our corporate philosophy. Besides the financial support we also offer our active participation.
This year, our company donation of 10,000 Euros went to the Hamburg associations Hanseatic Help. Since its founding in 2015, they take in and sort clothing donations and hygiene articles and forward them as needed to more than 300 facilities in Hamburg for people in need. Therefore, many people have been provided with clothing and other articles for daily use.
In addition to the support for unemployed and homeless people in Hamburg, Hanseatic Help deliver donations to Ukraine in cooperation with other organisations.
With the donation of 10,000 Euros, we want to support these two social projects: 5,000 Euros of the donation is used for equipping the Help Stores in Hamburg. The other 5,000 Euros will be used to fill the transporters with clothing donations and deliver them to Ukraine so that the people there are equipped with warm clothing for this upcoming winter.
Besides our donation of 10,000 Euros, it was awesome that we could support this worthy cause also with our active participation.
"It is nice to know that our donation and active participation helps people who, among others, are particularly affected by the Ukraine war. Therefore, it was important for us to support a facility where the money can be used immeadiately for a specific cause," explains Peter F. Schmid, CEO of Visable when he handed over the donation cheque.

Visable organises a Social Day with Hanseatic Help
In November 2022, our Visable employees met in the clothing store of the non-profit organisation Hanseatic Help to sort and pack clothing donations, which are delivered to their help stores in Hamburg.
Since its founding in 2015, Hanseatic Help take in and sort clothing donations and hygiene articles and forward them as needed to more than 300 facilities for people in need.
In cooperation with other organisations, they also deliver donations to Ukraine. Therefore, the Visable employees loaded the transporters with packages of clothing donations so that the people in Ukraine are equipped with warm clothing for this upcoming winter.
Besides our annual donation of 10,000 euros, it was awesome that we at Visable could support this worthy cause also with our active participation.
We are looking forward to the next Social Day in 2023!

October Rose: Visable joins the cause!
In order to support the annual campaign for the fight against breast cancer, this year, we have joined the League against Cancer.
For this occasion, a collection of cultural products was organised. Our colleagues were invited to donate CDs, DVDs, books or comics over the past few days. And to continue the initiative, a stand selling roses and macaroons was opened in our offices on Thursday 20 October. The profits will go to the Ligue to support cancer Research.
We are proud to be able to support this cause and as the Ligue against cancer says: "In October but also all year round, let's talk about prevention and testing and support the prevention of breast cancer"

Equal opportunity employer: Visable signs Diversity Charter
We pride ourselves on our open and tolerant corporate culture.
To further promote diversity and inclusiveness, Visable has now signed the Diversity Charter alongside 4,100 companies. With the signature, we commit to the fight against discrimination in the workplace by implementing various measures. These range from raising awareness for diversity issues to trainings, assessments of HR processes and more.
Open communication to the outside world is also a key factor in reflecting Visable’s status as an equal opportunity employer for people regardless of their background, physical capabilities, ethnicity, sexuality or gender identity.

Visable hand-delivers donation cheque to French Association Avenir Apei
As part of our CSR activities, we support a non-profit organisation with a donation each year. For the first time, we also donated an amount to an organisation in France.
On 2 February 2022, our Managing Director in Paris, Sandra Yönter, presented the cheque to the association Avenir Apei. The €5000 donation will support the Makaton Project for autistic children.
Avenir Apei runs several projects such as personalised medical and social care as well as initiatives to enable handicapped people to develop their working skills.
People with disabilities are often forgotten in the employment market. At Visable, we try to do our part to integrate them into society.

Annual donation: Visable takes over the sponsorship of 1,800 trees
Every year, we at Visable financially support a non-profit organisation or association with 10,000 euros. The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly more important for us at Visable. Therefore we have also made it our mission to raise awareness for our carbon footprint within the company. To achieve this, our colleagues took part in the tree planting project "We plant drinking water" by Naturflächen e.V.. In total, we planted 500 trees and we haven taken over the sponsorship of 1,800 trees with our company donation. The planted trees generate 347,826 litres of additional groundwater per year. In this way, we are effectively offsetting our company's water consumption.
"For us, it is nice to know that our donation contributes to a positive and sustainable development of the environment, the climate and society," says Peter F. Schmid, CEO of Visable.

Kodiko cooperation since 2020
From December 2020 to May 2021, eight volunteer employees at Visable International each accompanied a political refugee to aid them in their professional development. This was done in partnership with Kodiko: The association offers a so-called "refugee-employee co-training programme" to facilitate refugees' professional integration, teach them job market practices and assist them in finding a job in France. Visable donated nine computers to fully equip the candidates.
"This human and solidarity-based commitment has been of great benefit to us, whether we are sponsors or not. It has allowed us to open up to other issues and to think about our company's international commitment. We have put our convictions into practice by providing a real opportunity for refugees who wish to integrate professionally in our country. Thanks to them, we have developed our capacity for accompanying and teaching, for interculturalism, and have remobilised our own networks around our belief in the virtues of multicultural exchanges," says Julien Poilleux, Managing Director of Visable International.

Donation: Visable supports "CaFée mit Herz"
It is a tradition that we at Visable lend financial support to social institutions or associations by donating 10,000 Euros every year. Our focus is on initiatives that particularly care for children or the homeless. It is part of our corporate philosophy to think of those who fight on the fringes of society. In the past two years, we organised a “Social Day” to give disadvantaged children a few carefree hours during the holiday season. Due to the pandemic, we were unfortunately not able to have a Social Day in 2020. Nevertheless, we as a company have weathered the pandemic very well so far, so that we can and want to support a charitable institution once again.
This year, our company donation went to the Hamburg institution "CaFée mit Herz". Since its founding in 2000, 300-400 often homeless guests have been provided with free food and clothing every day. Around 40 mainly volunteer employees and helpers work in the facility. But Corona also poses a challenge for the "CaFée with heart".
"Due to the rules of social distancing, we are no longer able to serve all guests in our facilities. That's why we had to reorganise the distribution of food, for example, and now serve meals through the window," says Thomas Paetsch, volunteer director of the CaFée with heart. This causes significantly more packaging waste. Part of the donation will therefore be used to buy organic dishes.
In addition to poor, unemployed and homeless people in the St. Pauli district of Hamburg, CaFée mit Herz specifically supports women in need. To this end, the institution rents six apartments for women, as an alternative to the limited space offered by women's institutions in these difficult times.
"It is nice to know that our donation helps people who are particularly affected by the Corona situation. Therefore, it was important for us to support a facility where the money arrives directly and is also used immediately," explains Peter F. Schmid, CEO of Visable.

Visable organizes a Social Day for the foundation Mittagskinder
In 2019, we also organized a Social Day, this time for the foundation Mittagskinder. The focus of the foundation is to offer children a healthy, child-oriented diet and exercise. Another focus of the foundation's work is education. The "Bildungsimpulse" program is available at the children's clubs. These include the discovery laboratory with small experiments in physics and chemistry as well as the reading club and radio play evening to support language development. For a total of 31 lunchtime children from Kirchdorf and Neuwiedenthal in Hamburg, Visable organised a day of fun and games on 1 November at the indoor beach "Beach Hamburg". 14 colleagues helped at stations such as putting on children's make-up, tug-of-war or a giant swing cloth. With a little scavenger hunt ended the progam. The Social Day was a complete success: The children aged 5 to 12 years said that the day was the best adventure they had ever had. We are already looking forward to the next Social Day in 2020.
“Wer liefert was” supports “Die Arche Hamburg”
December 2018 - “Die Arche” (“The Ark”) runs a leisure facility in Hamburg-Jenfeld used every day by 80-120 children aged between four and 13. As well as a free lunch, “Die Arche” also offers homework support, tutoring and a varied sport and leisure programme.On 17 December 2018, the centre held a Christmas party for all children aged 7-10. Popcorn and sweetie catapult machines, craft stations, a coconut shy and bread baking around a campfire were among the activities on offer to amuse around 250 children throughout the festive afternoon.
Last year, “Wer liefert was” not only supported “Die Arche” in Jenfeld with a cash donation of 5,000 euros, but they also enlisted volunteers to help out at the children’s Christmas party. A total of 25 colleagues from wlw handed out a festive fruit punch, made glittery stars and paper chains or helped children with a buzz-wire challenge or a traditional German reflex-game “Erbsenschlagen”. “For us, it’s nice to see how the centre we help to finance actually works. ‘Die Arche’ does very important work in our community and the children’s Christmas party was a wonderful afternoon - even for those of us from wlw,” said Doreen Schlicht, CMO at “Wer liefert was” after handing over the cheque.

“Franzbrötchen Day” at “Wer liefert was”
November 2018 - On 15 November, we celebrated “Franzbrötchen Day” for the second time! A total of nine boxes containing over 200 of Hamburg’s traditional cinnamon pastries were delivered to the wlw office in ABC-Straße. Under the banner “Hilfe, die schmeckt” (“A tasty way to help”), around €200 was collected for the non-profit, volunteer organisation ‘Zeit für Zukunft – Mentoren für Kinder e.V.’. This organisation provides mentors who support disadvantaged young people in Hamburg with a view to developing their skills and increasing their potential.

“Wer liefert was“ donates to clothing banks and medical services for homeless people living in Hamburg
December 2017 - The clothing bank run by Caritasverband für Hamburg e.V. is situated right in the heart of Hamburg's St Georg district. Every week, many of those in need come to the clothing bank for some new clothing. At his cold time of year, the centre is in need of warm jackets, shoes and so on.Caritas also offers medical assistance for the homeless covering a wide range of medical services for those in need. Buying medication is a very costly process.wlw supports both of these projects with a total donation of 10,000 euros. This money will allow the project to purchase the medications required as well as additional items of clothing they don“t receive enough donations of.For Peter F. Schmid, CEO of wlw, this is a cause very close to his heart: “Our company has a long history in the city of Hamburg and we are delighted to be able to support local institutions every year, such as the clothing bank and the medical service centre. The Caritas association is well organised and provides direct support to important community services, without all the bureaucracy.”

“Wer liefert was” donates to the medical centre for the homeless
December 2016 - The medical centre for the homeless run by the Caritasverband für Hamburg e.V. is located at the former port hospital, Hafenkrankenhaus, in St. Pauli. This is an inpatient service for sick and homeless men and women. wlw supports the institution with a donation of 7,500 euros. This money will be used to buy five new hospital beds.The medical centre for the homeless provides both medical and social support for homeless people. Ideally this means avoiding their return to the streets. For Peter F. Schmid, this is an simple matter: “As a commercially successful company with a long history in Hamburg, supporting an institution such as the medical centre is a cause very dear to our hearts. Our visit to the centre was clear proof that our donations are going to the right place.”

“Wer liefert was” combats youth unemployment
December 2015 - With a donation of 4,000 euros, wlw is supporting the Joblinge initiative which aims to combat youth unemployment. Since the beginning of 2015, wlw has not only provided Joblinge with financial support but also with coaching sessions, including job application courses offered by members of our human resources department.The aim of the initiative is to create genuine job potential and help people become integrated into the job market and into society in the long term. The economy, the government and individuals are all involved in supporting Joblinge. Thanks to the work of volunteer mentors and training support, some statistics show that the organisation has an above-average success rate and is closing the gap between people“s backgrounds and their future prospects.

“Wer liefert was” donates to the aid of Hamburg’s homeless
December 2014 - wlw contributes to helping the homeless in the Hansestadt by donating €10,000 to the Diakonie Hamburg. Part of the money is used towards helping the Hamburg Mitternachtbus (Hamburg midnight bus), which has been providing the homeless in Hamburg’s downtown area with goods to cover their basic daily necessities since 1996. The Diakoniezentrum für Wohnungslose (a community care facility for the homeless) is also provided support. This day residence provides homeless people meals and help from social workers.
The Diakonisches Werk Hamburg currently employs 260 people and a variety of volunteers. In order to be able to offer its social services in the future, the charity is dependent on donations. We hope that other companies in Hamburg and the surrounding area will follow our example and support the Diakonisches Werk Hamburg with further donations.

Education is near and dear to “Wer liefert was”!
January 2014 - wlw continues to educate young people in different areas. In addition to providing vocational training, wlw also offers cooperative study programs.
“Wer liefert was” has also been a partner of “Joblinge” since the beginning of 2015. This initiative is aimed at young adults who have no education or place to work. Youth are directly supported by wlw by providing them with job application training which is recorded on camera, as a means to opening up the training and labor market to participants.

“Wer liefert was?” promotes innovation!
March 2015 - wlw is the official sponsor of the "Innovationspreis der deutschen Wirtschaft" (German Industry Innovation Award) in 2015 and is thereby contributing to the sustainable development of the German economy. Since 1980 the award has been bestowed to the most important scientific, technical, entrepreneurial and intellectual innovations in Germany industry.

“Wer liefert was” helps children!
September 2014 - As part of the B2RUN 2014, wlw participated in the RTL aid project “We help children” – with one cent donated for each kilometer run during German-wide B2RUN events. Over a hundred thousand runners covered a distance of more than 700,000 kilometers, amounting to a total donation amount of 7,500 euros.
For the "Dunkelziffer" association, the wlw employees collected additional donations via a laptop prize draw. The association campaigns for the rights of sexually abused children.