How to install your pixel code
Install Website Leads
For installation you need your individual pixel code. It is made available to you in your personal login area. To install it on your website, download it from the following link (login required).
If you don't have a user account yet, you can create a new account here. You can also complete the registration process at any time in this way: On our homepage you will see the login link in the top right area. On the registration screen, click on the link " Create a new user account for your company profile" and set up your new user account.

Always insert your personal pixel code before the closing <body> tag.

Adapt privacy statement
If you would like to identify visitors of your website with the help of a Website Leads pixel code, we recommend adapting your privacy statement in line with the GDPR. Two steps are necessary to do this:
[YOUR COMPANY NAME] uses products and services for analysis and marketing purposes, which are provided by Visable GmbH ( in cooperation with them. To that end, pixel-code technology is used to collect, process and store data in order to create at least pseudonymised, but where possible and sensible, completely anonymous user profiles. Data collected, which may initially still include personal data, is transmitted to Visable or is collected directly by Visable and is used to create the aforementioned user profiles there. Visitors to this website are not personally identified and no other personal data is merged with the user profiles. If IP addresses are identified as personal, they are immediately deleted. You can object to the processing operations described with future effect at any time: [INSERT OPT-OUT LINK HERE]
[LE NOM DE VOTRE ENTREPRISE] utilise les produits et services fournis par Visable GmbH ( à des fins d'analyse et de marketing. À cet effet la technologie du pixel code est utilisée pour collecter, traiter et stocker des données afin de créer des profils utilisateurs au moins pseudonymisés et, lorsque cela est possible et judicieux, totalement anonymes. Les données collectées, qui peuvent encore lors de cette étape comprendre des données à caractère personnel, sont transmises à Visable ou collectées directement par Visable, puis utilisées pour créer les types de profils utilisateurs mentionnés ci-dessus. Aucune identification personnelle des visiteurs de ce site Internet n'a lieu et aucune autre donnée personnelle n'est fusionnée avec les profils utilisateurs. Dans le cas où une adresse IP serait identifiée comme personnelle, elle serait immédiatement supprimée. Vous pouvez vous opposer à tout moment au traitement décrit ci-dessus sans effet rétroactif : [INSÉRER LE LIEN DE RETRAIT ICI]
[IHR FIRMENNAME] setzt zu Analyse- und Marketingzwecken Produkte und Dienstleistungen ein, die in Kooperation mit der Visable GmbH ( von dieser zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Hierzu erfolgt mittels Zählpixeltechnologie die Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Speicherung von Daten zur Erstellung mindestens pseudonymisierter, wo möglich und sinnvoll vollständig anonymisierter Nutzungsprofile. Die erhobenen Daten, die zunächst noch personenbezogene Daten beinhalten können, werden an Visable übermittelt oder direkt durch Visable erhoben und dort zur Erstellung der o.a. Nutzungsprofile verwendet. Eine persönliche Identifikation von Besuchern dieser Webseite findet nicht statt, und es werden auch keine sonstigen personenbezogenen Daten mit den Nutzungsprofilen zusammengeführt. Sollten IP-Adressen als personenbezogen identifiziert werden, so werden sie umgehend gelöscht. Den hier geschilderten Formen der Verarbeitung können Sie jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widersprechen: [HIER DEN OPT-OUT LINK EINFÜGEN]
If a visitor of your website clicks on this link, no more company-related data will be passed onto Visable.
Note: Please make sure that the pixel code is also installed on your page with the privacy statement. Only then can the opt-out function be activated for visitors.
<a onclick="alert('Your visits are no longer recorded.');" href="javascript:visableLeads.optOut()">Exclude visitor recording (Note: Link sets a 1st-party cookie for an opt-out)</a>
<a onclick="alert('Ihre Besuche werden nun nicht mehr erfasst.');" href="javascript:visableLeads.optOut()">Besuchererfassung ausschließen (Anmerkung: Link setzt ein 1st-Party-Cookie für einen Opt-Out)</a>
<a onclick="alert('Vos visites ne seront désormais plus enregistrées.');" href="javascript:visableLeads.optOut()">Exclure … (remarque : le lien crée un cookie interne pour une option de retrait)</a>
This is what your privacy statement should look like:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Visable OptOut </title>
<h1>Privacy policy</h1>
[YOUR COMPANY NAME] uses products and services for analysis and marketing purposes, which are provided by Visable GmbH ( in cooperation with them. To that end, pixel-code technology is used to collect, process and store data in order to create at least pseudonymised, but where possible and sensible, completely anonymous user profiles. Data collected, which may initially still include personal data, is transmitted to Visable or is collected directly by Visable and is used to create the aforementioned user profiles there. Visitors to this website are not personally identified and no other personal data is merged with the user profiles. If IP addresses are identified as personal, they are immediately deleted. You can object to the processing operations described with future effect at any time: <a onclick="alert(‘Your visits are no longer recorded.');" href="javascript:visableLeads.optOut()">Exclude visitor recording (Note: Link sets a 1st-party cookie for an opt-out)</a>
Contact potential leads
In your personal login area, the companies that have visited your company website are now also displayed for you.
Remove Website Leads
How to remove the pixel code in HTML
1. Delete your personal pixel code which you inserted before of the closing </body> tag.
2. Remove the additional text about the tracking pixel in your privacy statement which you added when purchasing Website Leads.

Data protection compliance:
– Only companies and no private individuals are identified
– One-person companies are excluded from the list of hits
– No IP addresses are passed on
You can find the recommendation about adapting your data protection provisions here.
How it works:
- Your website is visited by private individuals/end users.
As Website Leads is limited to the B2B sector and therefore does not process and store personal data, only companies and not private individuals are made available in your visitor list.
- Website Leads is only installed on the start page of your website, therefore visitors landing directly on the sub-pages (e.g. from Google ads campaign for certain products) are not tracked.
Please do not forget to include Website Leads on all (sub)pages for which visitor identification is to take place.
- You have chosen to implement Website Leads with a cookie banner. The visitors who do not confirm the cookies cannot be tracked and therefore cannot be identified.
Please consider whether the integration of Website Leads without cookies would be an option for you in order to identify all potential visitors. Follow our instructions on how to implement Website Leads in line with the GDPR adapting your privacy statement.
Questions? Feel free to contact us!
Via telephone
+49 (0)40 2 54 40-0
Mo.-Th.. 8:30 - 16:00 Uhr
Friday: 8:30 - 15:30 Uhr
Via e-mail